Showing posts with label Relations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relations. Show all posts

Saturday, March 21, 2015

7 Women Reactions on Things we hate about Men

Dear men,

Well, don't get me wrong. You're amazing, you're fantastic, and you're downright hot. But, there are just some things which women don’t take a fancy over, even if you think we do. So, even if you work really hard to get a woman like you and fall head over heels for you, your best efforts can backfire.

So, please avoid these if you don't wish to see creepy reactions on our faces.

1. Using weird pick-up lines

Using weird pick up lines

Right, you wish to get our attention but cheesy, over-the-top pickup lines are surely a deal-breaker.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How to Compliment like Winner and Keep Romance Alive?

No matter whether you have been seven days into a relationship or seven years, importance of giving and receiving genuine and heartfelt compliments cannot be underestimated.

If you are into a relationship, you must analyse how well and how often you compliment your partner. When was the last time you appreciated your girl’s care? When was the last time you admired your man’s supportive nature? If you can’t remember your last time, chances are your relationship is suffering from compliment deficit. In most cases, partners will get detached soon and relationship will eventually fail.

Compliments for Happy Relationship

We are not new to doling out the compliments. We do it many times whenever we look at or feel something good. Problem is we stop looking at good things of our partner. So, sit back and count all the good things of your partner and plan how and when to highlight them, until it comes naturally to you. Here’s some help: